
African Network for Scientific Research and Development Journals, ANSRDJ  


The “African Network for Scientific Research and Development Journal”, ANSRDJ is a peer-reviewed and open access journal, which publishes research articles and literature reviews in English. This Open Access publication of African Network for Scientific Research and Development, ANSRD, Institute embraces a wide range of academic disciplines. Submissions in the area of social sciences, humanities, life sciences and natural sciences are welcome.

Founded in 2009, on African soil, ANSRDJ strives to become a venue for academic attainments from all around the globe. On its way to scientifically sound publications, it connects reviewers and authors from different countries and academic titles, providing knowledge transfer and sharing of best practices.

ANSRDJ supports the researchers in overcoming contemporary barriers. Our effort is to provide decency through a realistic amount of publication charges; Fairness by cutting the timeframe for reviewer selection and first decision; Agility through permanent communication with the authors and reviewers; professionalism through a constant promotion of academic ethics and international impact through support of open science and interdisciplinary research.


Submission   |  Editorial Board  |  Author Guidelines |  Manuscript Handling Charges


ANSRD International Journal of Law, Political Science and Diplomacy

Editor in Chief: Prof. Fatima Aishoku

Submit Paper at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Nature: Print and online

Language of Publication: English

Publication Frequency: 1 Issue per Year

ISSN: 2361-9202

 Journal Series: African Network for Scientific Research and Development


ANSRD International Journal of Business School Annals

Editor in Chief: Prof. Lima Zotum

Submit Paper at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Nature: Print and online

Language of Publication: English

Publication Frequency: 2 Issues per Year

ISSN: 2361-7144

 Journal Series: African Network for Scientific Research and Development


ANSRD International Journal of Public Policy and Administrative Studies


Editor in Chief: Prof. Michael Gannon

Submit Paper at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Nature: Print and online

Language of Publication: English

Publication Frequency: 2 Issues per Year

ISSN: 2384-5578

 Journal Series: African Network for Scientific Research and Development


ANSRD International Journal of Developing Country & Sustainability Studies in Africa 


Editor in Chief: Prof. John Kraft

Submit Paper at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nature: Print and online

Language of Publication: English

Publication Frequency: 1 Issue per Year

ISSN: 2360-9810

 Journal Series: African Network for Scientific Research and Development