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Scholarly Research & Development in Africa 

Scholarly research and development in Africa remains the strength of any society and culture in Africa. The journal series is interested in applying the knowledge gained through experiment and experience for the advancement of society and surrounding conditions in Africa. Our modern society is unconditionally dependent on the progress of research and development we made over the years in Africa. Scholarly research and development in Africa is a group of peer reviewed open access academic journals which aims to publish information on the recent discoveries and ongoing developments in the area of basic and applied science, theoretical and experimental engineering and technologies, commercial, business related development and modern financial analysis along with other important similar topics in Africa.


ARC International Journal of Sustainable Development

Editor in Chief: Prof. Mark S. Gold

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Nature: Print and online

Language of Publication: English

Publication Frequency: 2 Issues per Year

ISSN: 2384-5341

 Journal Series: Africa Research Corps


GARC International Journal of Recession, Inflation & Good Governance Quagmire in Africa 

Editor in Chief: Prof. Margaret N.

Submit Paper at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., please copy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nature: Print and online

Language of Publication: English

Publication Frequency: 1 Issue per Year

ISSN: 2360-9718

Journal Series: Global Academic Research Consortium