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Author Guidelines   

Originality—Authors submitting manuscript to the journal should ensure that this submission is original work and is neither currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, nor has been published as a copyrighted material before. If authors have used the ideas, and/or words of others researchers, they should acknowledge that through proper quotes or citations.

Plagiarism—Plagiarism appears into various types, such as claiming the authorship of work by others, copying and paraphrasing major parts of others research (without attribution), and using the results of research conducted by other researchers. However, any type of plagiarism is unacceptable and is considered unethical publishing behavior. Such manuscripts will be rejected.

Authorship of Manuscripts—Authorship of a manuscript should be limited to authors who have made significant contributions and the names of authors should be ranked by efforts. The corresponding author must ensure that all listed coauthors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript (as it appeared in the proofreading copy) and agreed to its publication in the journal. Authors can permit others to replicate their work.

Multiple or Concurrent Publication— Authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. This action leads to the rejection of the submitted manuscripts.

Acknowledgement of the Work of Others—Authors should always properly and accurately acknowledge the work of others. Authors should cite publications that have significant contribution to their submitted manuscripts. Unacknowledged work of others contributing to manuscripts is unethical behavior and is unacceptable. Such manuscripts will be rejected.
Reported objectives, discussions, data, statistical analysis, and results should be accurate. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate results constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. Such manuscripts will be rejected.

Data Access and Retention— Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with manuscripts for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data if possible. However, such authors should be prepared to retain data for a reasonable time after publication.

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects— If a research study involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the author(s) must clearly identify these in the submitted manuscript. Authors should also inform participating human subjects about the purpose of the study.

Conflicts of Interest— In their manuscript(s), authors should disclose any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript.

Copyright of Accepted Manuscripts—Authors of accepted manuscripts for publication in the journal agree that the copyright will be transferred to journal and all authors should sign copyright forms. However, those authors have the right to use of their published manuscripts fairly, such as teaching and nonprofit purposes.

Substantial errors in published Manuscripts—When authors discover substantial errors or inaccuracy in their own published manuscripts, it is the authors’ responsibility to promptly inform the journal editors or publisher, and cooperate with them to correct their manuscripts.

Acknowledgement of Indirect Contributors and Financial Supporters—Authors should acknowledge individuals whose contributions are indirect or marginal (e.g., colleagues or supervisors who have reviewed drafts of the work or provided proofreading assistance, and heads of research institutes, centers and labs should be named in an acknowledgement section at the end of the manuscript, immediately preceding the List of References). In addition, all sources of financial support for the research project should be disclosed.


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines   

Authors should submit papers with the following formats, but depending on the type of article and subject covered some parts may not be necessary. For now we only accept articles written in English.

The TITLE page should contain the title of the article, name(s), qualification(s), status/ranks and affiliation of the author(s). ABSTRACT: the abstract should not be more than 250 words. KEY WORDS: key words should not be more than 6 words. INTRODUCTION: this is different from the abstract in that it – sets the stage – for the content of the article rather than telling the reader what it is about. MAIN BODY: you could incorporate subtitle, artwork, photos, tables, figures, etc. CONCLUSION: this is the assessment of results or restatement of points in introduction. REFERENCES: the reference standard is the current APA style form of referencing. Manuscript should not be more than 6000 words.


ARCN Journals format

  1. Margin: Top (1), Bottom Left (1), Right (1) Left (1)
  2. Paper Size: A4
  3. Layout: Header (0.79), Footer (0.79)
  4. Main Body: Font Size (12), Text Align (Justify), Line Space: (2)
  5. Title: Font Size (16), Text (Bold), Align (Center)
  6. Authors Name: Font Size (14), Text Align (Center)
  7. Authors Affiliation: Font Size (12), Text Align (Center)
  8. Abstract & Keywords: Font Size (12), Text Align (Justify), Line Space (1)
  9. Main Headings: Font Size (14), Text Align Capitalization (Upper Case for Each Word), Text (Bold)
  10. Sub Headings: Font Size (12), Capitalization (Sentence Case), Text (Bold)
  11. Text: Times New Roman
  12. Reference: Size (12), Text Align (Justify), Line Space (1)